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THE UAE Now Holds World’s Strongest ranked as having the best passport in the WORLD


Since 2014, UAE’s passport has gained an impressive 106 visa-free destinations…

The Henley & Partners report, released on Wednesday, relied on exclusive official data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

In the regional ranking, the UAE passport continued to hold the leading position, with Qatar (53), Kuwait (55), Bahrain (59), Oman (60), and Saudi Arabia (61) following order.


Since 2014, UAE’s passport has gained an impressive 106 visa-free destinations…

The Henley & Partners report, released on Wednesday, relied on exclusive official data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

In the regional ranking, the UAE passport continued to hold the leading position, with Qatar (53), Kuwait (55), Bahrain (59), Oman (60), and Saudi Arabia (61) following order.